YOU change the world!
You want to become an eco-citizen, but have been too busy?
Check your Sustainability Level! (Survey)
We all know how hard is to change a behavior and start a new habit! How many of you didn’t try to go running after work, becoming a vegetarian, stop smoking or reduce your smartphone usage? Yes, it is hard to start and to keep going, but studies showed, you need 21 days to create a new habit. And exactly there we want to start!
The #NaturefriendsChallenge supports you to become an eco-citizen!
Challenge your friends on Facebook!
#1 – Don’t use disposable cups
#2 – Meat-free week
#3 – Plastic-free food shopping
IYNF believes, that Naturefriends should be an example trying our best to protect nature and change ourselves for a healty future for all. Click here for the original link.