Conferenza Annuale 2019

Data / Ora
Date(s) - 27/09/2019 - 29/09/2019
Tutto il giorno

Youth hostel Heilbronn


Date: September 27th – 29th, 2019
Location: Jugendherberge Heilbronn, Germany (Paula-Fuchs-Allee 3, 74076 Heilbronn)

Friday: Joint dinner at the Jugendherberge (youth hostel)
Saturday: Annual Conference 2019
Sunday: Visit to the National Garden Show (BuGa) in Heilbronn (optional)

The BuGa is the National Garden Show in Germany and always worth a visit! The BuGa aims to bring nature back into cities, making urban environments a bit greener and more liveable.
There will be a guided tour in English and/or German on Sunday for everyone who wishes to stay.


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