What’s the project about?
“Adventure through the lakes” is an itinerant youth exchange project focuses on using outdoor, sport and digital detox techniques as tools to support personal growth of young people, promote a healthy lifestyle and learn about other cultures through storytelling and travel literature.

Organizers: This project is coordinated by the youth organization YOBBO with the support of Associazione Vagamondo.

Main Goals
– Through this project, youngsters will use hiking and outdoor experiences in wild and unfamiliar
contexts to work on their personal development and overcome their limits.
– They will have the chance to improve their problem-solving skills facing challenging tasks and
– They will experience trekking, sport in nature and outdoor life in the context of healthy life style
and they will promote similar activities in they countries after the project including their peers.
– The project will be a digital detox experience: participants will have the chance to disconnect from
internet, social media and from any kind of technology, in that way they will have chances to
improve their social skills and reformulate their use of media in a healthier way.
– The participants will explore their national and regional literature related to travel by presenting it
to the other young people involved in the project through storytelling nights.

Working Methods
The project is based mainly on non-formal education activities, outdoor, sport and storytelling methods. It counts on the active and creative involvement of all participants and on the contribution that each national group will bring.

Basic structure of the program

Day 0 – 1: we stay in an accommodation close to Rome, form the group and prepare the participants for the journey
Day 2: we take the train to Anguillara Sabazia, nearby Bracciano Lake, and participants will be involved in several outdoor activities by and in the lake.
Day 3: we start the walk.
Day 4 – 8: walking and camping (4h every morning, sleeping in tents or dormitory).
Day 9: last walking day + come back in Rome by train
Day 10: closing of the experience in the accommodation in Rome and follow-up planning

* Video calls meetings for the coordinators and the group-leaders: one at the end of July, another one in September 2020
* Youth exchange: 7 th – 16 th October 2020
* Follow-up: October – December 2020: 1 or 2 day National Group hiking in each country involving other young people

Where: Rome, Bracciano lake, Vico lake, Bolsena lake and the way in-between.

Who: 30 youngsters. 5 participants per National Group age 18 – 26 + 1 youth leader from 20 to 35 years old. Min 50% of the participant has fewer opportunities. Coordinator: YOBBO – Youth Beyond Borders.

Economic conditions:
Reimbursement of the travel: Italy up to 20€; Spain, Latvia Greece up to 275€;
Food, accommodation, materials costs: covered by the Erasmus+ programme
Participation fee per participant*: Germany, Austria, Netherlands, UK, France, Scandinavian countries 60€, Italy, Spain 50€, Latvia, Greece 40€
*We believe in the value of the participation fee: it make the experience more worthy by representing an investment for the participants. It is also a concrete economic support for the project. Our policy is to keep the participation fees low and to implement the concept of equity by differentiate them on a scale that is looking at the average incomes of the countries involved            The participation fee should not exceed the expenses that a person would have for food costs in his country for 10 days: read the statistics here.
Contribution for Partner organization: In order to cover small costs related to the organization of the
exchange (administration / preparation / follow-up / reducing the amount of the participation fee, etc). We allocate a small budget to each partner: the same amount of 1 participation fee from your country.

Accommodation: Partially in tents, partially in hostels or dormitory or places provided by the Municipalities involved in the youth exchange.

Equipment: Sleeping bags, camping matrasses, camp showers, tents and common equipment is provided by YOBBO and Associazione Vagamondo. Backpacks and clothes are brought by each participant.

Questionnaire: This is the general idea of the project. We want to co-create it with the potential
participants and leaders in order to really make it together with them. For this reason, we created a
questionnaire that we need at least 2 young people that are connected to the activities of the partner organizations to fill in. In this way we can consider the background, the needs, the wishes and possible contributions of potential participants and leaders to make the project evolve. Find the questionnaire here: http://tiny.cc/ms3qnz

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